Thursday, May 2, 2013

A Great Use For Your Waste Plastic Bottles

Fed up with those clips for your freezer bags?
Here’s a useful tip I have been using almost 20 years.
Instead of a drawer full of elastic band, clips, ties and the whole raft of other devices stores will sell to you, simply cut the top off of your waste soda bottles, detergent containers and  milk bottles. Once washed, simply unscrew, thread plastic bag through the nozzle, fan out the plastic and screw down the cap.
Great for:
·         Refrigerator left overs.
·         Freezer food.
·         Packets of nails.
·          Screws.
·          Seeds.
·         Buttons.
·         In fact anything small you care to mention.

I have found that the different colors help with identification, especially in my shed as I use these for sealing up left over nails and screws from various projects. Yet I like to keep them all together in an old ice cream tub, so that I can take them all to where I am likely to need something. I used to just throw them all into an old Folgers tub, but trying to find one quickly became such a pain. If there are a large number of screws etc., then they will have their own tub.
We do use them in the freezer and the fridge, but not exclusively, and my wife does use them for odds and ends in her project box, color coded, for the same reason as myself.

Another Tip
I have found that the bigger milk containers and detergent bottles caps make better fasteners as the thread on the neck is deeper. Some of the packaging can be quite thick and the soda bottle necks struggle to cope in some cases.
For those of you that recycle your bottles, it will not make the slightest different to the recycle business as these are all made into pellets for use by another end user.
I hope you find this useful and happy organizing.

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